Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Regrouped al Qaeda Poses Global Threat

Article from The Wall Street Journal.
U. S. embassies are closing and people are warned from international traveling because al Qaeda has regrouped and is a potential threat to the U. S. People need to "'exercise caution' and take 'appropriate steps'" to protect American people. The threat is much harder to track and predict because the rest of the group has gone into their own smaller groups. Osama bin Laden's death, along with other officials has boosted the United State's confidence that al Qaeda cannot mount attacks. A large concern for us is al Qaeda's number one bomb-maker is thought to still be powerful and has possibly been experimenting with new bomb designs and training other makers. Al Qaeda's branch in Syria is gathering hundreds of recruits from other countries each month.
A senior administration official said, "We get 'chatter' all the time, This is a convergence of multiple streams of reporting." In the past, the Yemeni branch of al Qaeda has targeted U. S. airlines and navel departments. They are also experts at bomb making. In 2012 the United States has launched more than 40 drone/missle strikes against al Qaeda targets in Yemen.

The world needs to be a more peaceful place.

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